
Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Young Vincent.

   Last Friday, I headed down to Mornington with my friends for the Young Vincent single launch. Young Vincent is an amazing band and the lead singer has a BEAUTIFUL voice. They played a couple of their songs and ended the night with a hilarious cover of 'Say my name'.
  The launch was held at Commonfolk Cafe, which is situated on a street filled with car repair shops, and from the outside you're a little skeptical. Once you get in, it's just so cute, filled with fairy lights, cute water cups and beautiful cakes. Can't wait to go there one day when it's not all dolled up for a performance.
  Go like Young Vincent on Facebook, check out their Youtube channel, go support a great band with amazing talent.
Till next time...

Monday, 9 February 2015


       Bored on a warm Thursday afternoon? Go beach-hopping! 
       The other day, I visited my friend who was having a beach week in Rosebud. The plan was to meet the rest of her family at a few beaches, but we ended up on a wild goose chase trying to find them, only to find out when we got back to her place that they had gone to the shops instead! On the bright side, we had fun driving along the coast and checking out a few beaches. 
       Have you had any misadventures that have turned out really fun? 
Till next time...

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Last Weekend.

         Last weekend was a long weekend because Monday was Australia Day. The week before, I was doing a summer intensive course at University, so I was really looking to relax during the weekend before I had to start working on my assignments for the class. Last weekend was actually really nice. I spent Saturday at Mornington- my obsession with that beautiful town is growing, I fall more in love with it every time I visit. Sunday was spent wandering the Melbourne CBD and then watching Wild. It was such a nice movie, definitely recommend it if you are feeling uninspired! Have any of you read the book, hoping to read it in Febuary. Instead of spending Australia Day listening to the Triple J Top 100 at a barbecue, my friends and I went for a Survival Day celebration in Belgrave. Here's a link if you want to know more about Survival Day.There was music, good food and lots of henna. Here are a few pictures from last weekend.
 Till next time..